In celebration of Damian’s 50th birthday this month, we have created a list of 50 mini ways to be happy. Please do enjoy and share with anyone you think may find a few things to do on here.

1 Live in the moment
2 Get outdoors
3 Blast out some music
4 Treat yourself to some quality chocolate
5 Plan a dream holiday, or weekend away
6 Have a date night
7 Look through old photos
8 Go to see, or watch a comedian
9 Get on a swing
10 Hug someone (that you can)

11 Watch a funny, or feel good movie
12 Chill in a chair with a good book
13 Make a cocktail, or mocktail, with fruit, fancy glasses, the works
14 Listen to a mindful app
15 Do something out of your comfort zone
16 Go out for coffee
17 Buy some fresh flowers
18 Do a jigsaw, or colouring to sooth your brain
19 See a live band – hit that mosh pit!
20 Try some yoga

21 Swim outdoors
22 Rearrange a room to enjoy the place again
23 Get up to see sunrise
24 Send a handwritten card, or letter to someone
25 Bake a cake to share
26 Play a boardgame
27 Buy some old fashioned sweets, or pick n mix
28 Clear your desk space to feel more organised
29 Book a ‘play day’ with friends (Never too old for fun)
30 Head out with a camera to take some photos

31 Write a gratitude journal
32 De-clutter something in your house
33 Walk somebody’s dog for them
34 Send a random gift to someone to pay it forward
35 Have sundowners with friends outside
36 Write down the things you are good at to remind yourself
37 Visit a new local place to explore like a child does
38 Exercise outdoors
39 Have a money jar to treat yourself to a non essential luxury when full
40 Have a head massage, or foot rub

41 Write a list of adventures you’d like to try to inspire you
42 Re watch a classic comedy series
43 Picnic with delicious food & drink
44 Dress up simply because you can
45 Put up a positive quote on your fridge or bathroom mirror
46 Skip like a child (Sounds ridiculous but it makes you laugh a lot)
47 Write a list of all the people that have a positive effect on your life
48 Give a couple of hours to volunteer
49 Have fish & chips by the seaside
50 Appreciate & focus on the little things